Blackeyed Bulbul (Afrikaans: Swartoogtiptol) A mostly brown bird, with a dark head and yellow vent. It is commonly known as a "toppie". Size 20-22 cm - this bird is larger than a sparrow, but smaller than a Laughing Dove.

The bill is fairly short and straight. The bill, legs and feet are black and the eye is dark brown with a dark eye-ring, which is not readily visible.
Dark-capped Bulbul is mostly greyish-brown above and whitish-brown below, with a distinctive dark head and pointy crest on top of the head. The back of the head merges into the brown of the back, and the chin is also blackish.
This is a one of the more common bird of the eastern regions of the country. It is found in woodland, coastal bush, forest edges, riverine bush, montane scrub and in mixed farming habitats. It is also found in exotic thickets, gardens and parks.
The Black-eyed Bulbul is usually seen in pairs or small groups. It is a conspicuous bird, which tends to sit at the top of a bush. As with other toppies they are active and noisy birds.
This species eats fruit, nectar and insects.
The most typical call of this species is a lively sounding liquid call of klip, klop kollop and a variety of variations.
This species nests mainly from September to December. The nest is fairly rigid, thick walled and cup-shaped. It is situated inside the leafy foliage of a small tree or shrub.
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