Evan Jack Plumbing
All work done by a qualified, registered plumber and carries a 6 month guarantee
Contact Evan Jack at
Die Manne
Elektriese sertifikaate C.O.C., Fout opsporing, Installering van sprei ligte, Proppe wat vervang of herstel moet word Herbedrading van elektriese installasies, Herbedrading van hoof bord (DB), Stowe herstel, Loodgieters sertifikaat C.O.C.,Geyser herstel werk, Installering van Geyser wise en geyser Kombers, Gebarste water pype, Toilet wat lek, Vervaning van kleppe.
Kontak ons vir vinnige reaksie: Schalk: , E-pos:
Administrateur en Navrae: Stefan: , E-pos:
Q & L Services
Repairs & Renovations to houses and townhouses. Owner supervision.
Smart Plumbing & Leak Detection

Burst geysers, leaking pipes, blocked drains – all part of our daily routine.
Tel: or
W.M.C Plumbing
Michele, ,
Wayne: , www.wmcplumbing.com
Wertan Projects

Handyman Service, Painting Contractors, Damp proofing, Home Renovations, Office Renovations, Plumbing, Burst Geysers, concrete slabs, waterproofing, roof repairs, electricians, flooring, laminated flooring, tiles, carpets, property service
Tel: Fax: email: www.wertan.co.za
W.M.C Plumbing
Michele, ,
Wayne: , www.wmcplumbing.com