Unique HR Directions
, Glen Marais,
UHRD is NOT a labour consultancy business – we are Human Resource practitioners who believe in having & maintaining good presence in upholding utmost integrity in dealing with all stake-holders & employees, for the benefit of all our Clients.
Value Added Financial Solutions VAFS is an accounting, auditing and business team with a commitment to add value. We look at your internal control procedures and advise on optimizing staff, controls and costs.
Contact Etienne Keyser - Tel:
Yours in Skills Development cc
 BEE Certificates for companies under R5 million turnover p.a. (SANAS approved).
BEE Consulting for those companies who need to gain more points on their BEE Scorecard
Claiming of Skills Development Levies (SDL) from SETA
Learnership Development to ensure up to R100 000 tax rebates from SARS
Occupational Health & Safety Training
Human Resource Policies for the smaller companies who don’t have HR departments
Employment Equity Plans, Monitoring & Reporting as per Legislated Acts.
Tax Consultant Contact Nicki Cox on